The most controversial man in music right now, Jamaica’s number one deejay, Vybz Kartel has whipped up a frenzy lately with his increasingly lighter appearance. He claims not to have used bleach but that washing his face with cake soap is what has done it.

To be honest it has got rather confusing with so many people writing and speculating over the subject. Then, just to confuse us all even more, Vybz put out ‘Wi Di Bleaching Fah?’ on the Shampoo Riddim at the beginning of January.

Twitter has been going mad for the controversy too, the how’s and why’s of Kartel’s complexion have been a major talking point. Just one example is that of @AffilatedYard who wrote: ‘kartel nah bleach cuz of black shame..him dweet to manipulate and advertise’.

I reckon it is a power move personally. Controversy sells and VK’s got his head screwed on. Just how far he will take it is another story.

I heavily recommend Marvin Sparks’ interview with Vybz for MTV and ‘Cake Soap & Creole- The Bleaching of The Nation’ by Annie Paul if all this interests you even the slightest… I’m sure Deja’s very own Joe Grime can tell you a whole heap more than I can however, he’s the expert on everything dancehall and bashment around here.