This week our robot helpers are setting up the podcasting stuff, so according to R2 and Twiki, there’ll be some downloads available by the weekend. In other news couple of boys been settling into their new shows nicely. Big up Clipper whose in on Mondays at midday playing that house and funky bizness. And speaking of funky bizness, you checked that flyer above? Frisky’s not messing about with this one, rounding up the fellas for this weekly Thursday (starting Feb 5th) East London house and funky skankathon at Yates in Stratford. The weekends are starting early, “party hard!”.
More later…
dawn On 21/01/2009 at 22:44
big hello to the one and only portway boy love ya dawn xx
sam On 21/01/2009 at 15:01
hi am sam an am from london and hav a good day.