DJ Dlux & The Deja Vu Team Presents the We Play Music Live Podcast – May 2012
WE PLAY MUSIC Live Recording @ Queen of Hoxton, 27/5/12 – DJ Dlux proudly presents the ‘WE PLAY MUSIC live’ radio show, a new and original concept in Urban Radio Culture. Showcasing a handpicked selection of artists and bands from the UK. The fifth Installment features brilliant live performances from; KIMBERLEY NEWELL, SEAN RUMSEY, SHANICE SMITH, INCISIVE, CRAFT, KERSHA BAILEY, & THEY LIVE! + live bands.- Co Presenters – Peaches, Fury & TDK. Recorded live @ Queen of Hoxton – London 27/5/12 –
To download to your computer, or to play on your iPhone click here
Follow Dlux on Twitter at @dluxdejavu and WePlayMusicLive at @WePlayMusicLive .
Be sure to come down the the next live broadcast on the Sunday 24th June 2012 and be part of the show.
Listen live every Sunday’s 8-10pm (gmt) on
Peaches On 29/05/2012 at 13:20
Very Nice, night so looking forward to the next one on the 24th June